Academia Cuauhtli
A language and culture revitalization project for fourth and fifth grade students attending Austin Independent School District
About Us
Academia Cuauhtli is a bilingual and cultural revitalization program for fourth to fifth grade students attending AISD. We offer instruction in Mexican American Studies, Tejano Studies, and STEM curriculum. Located in the Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center, our classes are entirely free to families and taught in Spanish by AISD master dual language teachers.
Academia Cuauhtli at a Glance
Curriculum Overview
Powered by research, our certified master bilingual educators provide
curriculum and pedagogy that promotes academic achievement, ethnic
pride, and a positive sense of family and community.

Highlighting the importance of our cultures and identities as strengths.

Global patterns of migration, migrant rights and challenges.

Our roots go beyond our own understanding and conscious memory.

Social Justice
Activists who changed the world through collective effort.

Danza Mexica
Danza as an important aspect of our ancestral tradition.

STEM Education
Infusion of culturally relevant pedagogy and STEM education.

Who We Serve
Austin ISD Title 1 Schools
Students attending Harris, Houston, Sanchez, Perez, Travis Heights, and Metz elementary schools.
Bilingual Teachers
Our teachers complete professional development workshops with Academia Cuauhtli.
Graduate Students
We provide mentoring opportunities for graduate students from the University of Texas at Austin.